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Magnus Peter Gilmore, Church Of Satan

Writer: Jean TannerJean Tanner

Philosopher, Magnus Peter Gilmore on his religion of the Church Of Satan



Tooth Radio Expose'

KGB Grey Alien Files

EvenGuinessNews.jpg Links

Radio Network

Operatives Speaking out

CIA, Kevin Shipp MK Ultra Programs of child programming, kidnapping and Project Paper Clip

The Clinton Mafia Exposed

FBI Ted Gunderson Exposes Corruption  Of The Cult. 

Gunderson was the first Government whistle blower on the corruption of child kidnapping and connections to the cult.

CIA Operatives Testimonies

The very honorable Al Beliek bravely telling us his story of "Time Travel" & The Philadelphia Experiment

David Icke's awesome expose' on the Royal lineage of Draconian Shapeshifters, from the ancient lineage of Count Dracula and the star system Draco....

Arizona Wilder's stories of MK Ultra, The Cult and Queen Elizabeth's Shapeshifting

This is one of the most believable testimonies of a witness to the Illuminati cult

CIA Operatives Speaking out against covert Black Ops.

We must listen carefully to the years of testimonies from CIA & FBI whistleblowers....

President Trump has the Deep State Terrified of Exposure

Brice Taylor's stories of Hollywood Programmers & Political Cult Members of MK Ultra Handlers

Illuminati Handlers & Clients

Creepy display of sexual harassment...these types of exposures show us what victims such as Brice Taylor, Arizona Wilder, Cathy O'Brien and other MK Ultra Survivors endured at the hands of these Illuminati Client-Handlers.

The Philadelphia Experiment- Invisability Cloaking

David Icke & Arizona Wilder - MK Ultra

Arizona Wilder Explains the importance of Bloodline genetics of interests to the Illuminati Shapeshifter aliens

Alien Stories

CIA Mark Phillips & Cathy O'Brien, MK Ultra

Dulces Underground Alien Bases

Alien Wars, Dulces Base & CIA Phil Scnieder

Alien Encounter Stories 

Alien Encounters 

Brice Taylor's story is the most important expose' of the Illuminati MK Ultra Program. 

Political Handlers & Illuminati Clients Expose'

The Illuminati Regime is quickly being exposed, they are desperate to prevent stories of survivors.


Brice Taylor's stories are also being Censored.

Tooth Radio Productions

Copyright 2018

 Dr. Oz, Disinformationalist


Since my 2011 video expose' of being kidnapped by Medical personnel, lied to by doctors and attacked, I have updated information about what I have discovered about the true horrors going on in that town of Jennings, Louisiana.


There were over 30 women murdered there, people believe the police are involved, I believe it is the swamp killing fields. The Network possibly include doctors, police and various Illuminati Members. They've made shows, articles and fake news, covering up their crimes. On  the Dr. Oz show , this was also done, I think Dr. Oz is a disinformationalist and may very well be a Medical Perp Network member, they spread propaganda using their Media.


They made a show on Dr. Oz where a nurse from Jennings, La., admitted to knowing about the crimes that they called the 'Jennings Eight" of which is total propaganda, they took only the 8 women they could say were prostitutes and drug users also using the drug house to say these were the reasons for the murders to cover up what is really going on.


The fact is, there were over 30 women murdered, they censored this information since I put up my video exposing them in 2011. I've since been severely stalked by Medicaid and have the documents to prove this is Medical Gang-Stalking. During my 2011 experience of Dr. Bramlet's severe crimes against me, I was not on Medicaid or Social Security, they knew I had no medical insurance yet they sent me to be attacked. I've reported this, nothing was ever done to these doctors for their crimes.


They're using people as "Contract Medical Subjects" without their consent or knowledge, paying these "Third Party" medical companies nearly $15,000.00 to stalk me. This is the truth of why they're stalking and murdering people.


Medicaid is paying Contracts on people's lives, I have proof. I've just recently received the shocking proof from the Louisiana Department of Health that assisted me in exposing these crimes.

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